Wednesday, June 21, 2006

In the silence

This is a repost...I think I like it better read out loud.

In the Silence/Shh…all is quiet(original title)
Current mood: satisfied

All is quiet....still

and, yet again, I am wide awake.

In the silence of the eve

my mind sings...soars....

Music plays and shadows dance

upon the walls of my beating heart

A little reminder

that I'm still breathing

With eyes closed I see him there-

an angelic aura around him

Hands clasped, head bowed

God hears his silent whispers.

"I am just a man...."

Is anyone listening?

I smile in answer,

arms outstretched for a warm embrace.

I hear you.

And, I am a woman with music

and words that flow swiftly

through her veins-

color and light in my vision

and I say...

"Hello, my friend. Would you care to dance?"


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

this of my favorites. you are...extraordinary.

westcoastmama said...'s one of my favorites too. How are you?

Anonymous said...

Dance?...sure why not?

westcoastmama said...

hahaha...I have to remember to wear my "highest" stilletos then! :-)