Tuesday, June 20, 2006


If I have any more days like this, someone might get hurt!! lol I say that laughingly now, but, damn, if I didn't have a sense of humor, someone would be seriously injured...

I'm not even gonna get into it coz I'll just get thoroughly pissed off again. Besides, I already vented, so I'm not a danger to society...or a particular being...anymore. Oh, and I did a lot of deep meditational breathing so that took some of the edge off. That and the fact that I had to focus on a high school graduation helped too. I got home and my daughter asked me, "Mom. Did you cry?" I told her I almost did and you know what the little brat told me? lol..."It's coz you're weak". The turd...but I admitted that fact freely. I never once denied the fact that I cry at the drop of a hat, what more of a few hundred graduation caps!?

Anyway, the trials of today left me with much on my mind. Lot's of poetry brewing....

I wish I would have written everything down or recorded it. Now my thoughts are nothing but a garbled mess. *sigh* I suppose that's good. I'm not so angry anymore. Anger makes an ugly, old and unhealthy person. I refuse to succumb to that anytime EVER! I think I have to remove myself from the front of the screen...maybe that will clarify my thoughts.


Erin said...

Mary? Why does it make you weak to cry? I feel the same, feel like a weak useless mess when I cry... I just don't understand why we seem to be programed to think of tears as a sign of weakness...

Someday we're going to meet, right? And we're going to laugh and party and hug and dance, and cry... and tell each other we're not weak for doing it. OK?

I love you. Sorry you had a crappy day. I need to learn this meditation thing, and Kung Fu for when I don't want to calm down, then I can either chill, or kick ass :)

westcoastmama said...

You know, I think tears are empowering and somehow cleansing sometimes. but, you're right about being a mess when it happens. :-)

I can't wait for that meeting. It'll be awesome.

Love you too...The day was crappy, but I'm over it. And I'm right there with ya on the kung fu. I once told a friend that I'd do some ninja-ing if he needed troll control... long story...lol, but anyway, sometimes you NEED to kick some ass!