Monday, May 01, 2006

make of me

I am a dreamer
an artist with wings
the wind is my shadow
and the sunrise my smile

I live for love
and die from love
for life is of loving

My heart....scarred, stitched, bruised
burned, yet strong and still beating
Yes...I still have room in there
for so much more

I've touched sunsets
kissed a muse while they slept
pulled feathers from branches
when I fell
then jumped willingly

into sadness

Now I pour the cleansing water
from my veins
into the cup
and I offer you more
of myself

I'm not quite sure what came over me. I just sort of sat in front of the screen and this wrote itself. I reread it twice and there are so many stories in this...*sigh*...I must be tired. Okay, perhaps a little weary. Lot's on my mind-people in my heart. LOTS of people.... I sure hope I can get rid of some of this...this...STUFF when I'm on vacation. So much happened today. I'm not gonna think about it. I'm gonna stand in a hot shower and wash it all away :-) Good night, my dears. Pleasant dreams.


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

I know. I really do.

me said...

I love this one, Mary!

westcoastmama said...

Thanks guys!! I'll catcha later