Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Caramel Kisses and Champagne

~The air has shifted

There is a cooling here
August breeze says Sister Autumn
is approaching~

Too many times
I woke last night
disoriented, dazed
by the lights and sounds
that crept into my window

I must have been dreaming
though I can't remember
what or why...

I'm still confused,
head is spinning
from caramel kisses
and dreamed champagne

But, I see no moon
the stars have gone hiding
and the brown owl
is fast asleep

nothing left
but the taste of sugar
resting, clining
to the tip of my tongue...

*Well, I've completed something totally disconnected yet, I am pleased. Heh...it's really reflecting my lack of sleep. Ah, well, artists and insomnia seem to go hand in hand. *


Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I think this is one of your best yet! Love the sensory images here.

westcoastmama said...

Aww...thanks. I'm glad you like it. I've been writing a lot!! Can you tell?