Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Well, well....

It looks like blogger has righted itself and with it came my page! Yay. Hopefully posting won't be such a hassle, for a while anyway. Today was something else. Sadly, I'm too tired to write about it. Getting the flu and having two kids get it right after can sure sap your strength AND your budget! $42.00 for antibiotics. Grr...yes, I am bitter. It just makes those damn pills even harder to swallow. Oh...I'm going to bed now. I'm whining and I don't like whiners. lol...good night, all.


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Damn! I'm the music king too. I can't believe I got that shit wrong.

8 SIX 7-5309

Right, right.

westcoastmama said...

lol...and I was the one that pointed it out. Heh...told ya I'm 80's chick

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

I stand corrected. You are indeed the 80's chick.

westcoastmama said...

lol...glad you realized that.