Friday, March 31, 2006

from my myspace blog

mindless nonsense
Current mood: calm
Category: Blogging

Geez...I wrote a whole lot about nothing the last couple of days. I guess my mind has been a little preoccupied. My writing's been a bit forced lately. I've been reminding myself to write something, ANYTHING, really just to keep up the exercise. I'm dealing with a case of writers block again and it really aggrivates me. It's been a week since I've finished any creative writing. AAAARRRGGHH!!!! My muse is on vacation again, DAMNIT! All I've been able to do is read some of my old stuff and tweak here and there, but I can't seem to finish anything. I REALLY, TRULY NEED A VACATION. "Disappearance act wanted. Please call Mary at 1******-**** with any information" I'm just being a dork.

Oh, here's something you all don't know. The corporate frameshop coordinator has it in for me. She doesn't like me. I got a weird vibe from her the day I interviewed with her. I already HAD the job, I basically spoke in front of her as a formality. Anyway, yeah, she called my boss to have a meeting about me and had HR in as a witness. She was complaining about my performance! MY performance. I WORK MY FREAKING ASS OFF IN THAT PLACE!!! It also doesn't help that she favors someone else that works under me. Hello...favoritism, ie, preferential treatment...., unethical and illegal!!! Grr...That woman has the drive and management skills of a doorknob. And, my boss....gotta love him....bit back and she couldn't prove a damn thing she threw at him. *sigh* It's nice to be validated. There were three points that were brought up and were very valid, but it's stuff that we had already talked about and I'd already been working on and anything else my boss was unsure of, during OUR meeting, I clarified everything. So there! I just don't understand how and why these miserable little people have the audacity to try and bring up beat, positive people down. I'm a little person in stature, yes, but I got a WHOLE LOT O' HEART. People who really know me KNOW that!!! There's a whole lot of love in this body. Don't bring out the dark side. It's not pretty.

Okay, so, now I gotta go. Gotta take my boy to school.


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

James laughs and says: I bet you do, have a whole lot of heart that is. Hell, I'm sure of it, what am I saying?

Anyway, we give certain things energy, and they grow. We take away that same energy, and it fades, to no longer sway our mood.

This information is like the rock that is passed by, day after day, it's so obvious that we don't pay much attention to it, but, if we stop and pick it up, examine the rock, we are reminded of its simplicity, and its beauty.

Good morning, dear.

westcoastmama said...

Good morning...thanks for the support James. I knew I could count on you

Sir James Eric Watkins said...
