Monday, March 20, 2006

more artwork

I'm working on a series and these are the two I have so far. The canvas of the pouty lips isn't quite finished yet. You can see the difference in color and finish between the two. I still need to finish the shading (probably a few more layers of acrylic) and the gloss coat. It's been so much fun doing this again. I'd forgotten that I had other "poetic" outlets.

I have other pieces of art that I'd completed years ago, mostly pencil drawings, that I actually framed. I have a sense of renewed gratification that I was the one that did them. lol...silly, I know, but at least I can see what I've accomplished along the way. Hope you enjoyed. Perhaps I'll post the other pieces later.


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

I like what you've done with these as well.

Self expression. I have no doubt, it is our defining characteristic, as humans.

Very good, my friend.

A said...

Mary ~

Very cool. I love the eye, and the focus on it. I have this 'thing' about drawing them :).

You've got some very funky stuff on here.

westcoastmama said...

Hi there.

James- thanks, hon.

Amy- thank you for visiting me. I'm glad you like my work. I have a thing with eyes too. I've been drawing faces since I was in middle school. Wow...that was a long time ago. I've just started painting them, though ;-) Drop by any time!
