Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I woke up this morning coughing my lungs out, but in good spirits. In this I mean I actually got up, colored my hair (yet again!lol) and did something I'd been meaning to do for two weeks now. I got the balls to call Erin up!!! (Erin, you're not the only wuss!) I am so glad I called. I think today just turned out to be the day we needed to speak to each other. I think, had I called when I'd initially intended all we would have gotten out of each other would have been sobs and wails...ugh...not today!

ERIN IS SUCH A SWEETIE!! Oh, man. If I didn't love her already. We were on the phone forever...well, okay about 40 minutes, but that's a long time for a couple o' gals that haven't "spoken" to each other before. It's so cool. I finally got to hear her voice after "knowing" each other for...for, omg, almost three years now through Moontown. Wow. I can't believe it's been that long. Loooove the southern drawl. Erin has a nice voice. Now, my voice, on the other hand, probably sounded like a frog. lol This damn cough has done a number on my larynx. Yup! If you didn't believe it before, you do now. I'ma SoCal goofball and damn proud of it!

So nice when kindred spirits connect. She's one of my Moontown sisters. I'm so blessed.


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Man! I bet that was really cool. Sureal.

CHRIST, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it.

That's good. I'm glad you guys did that.

Erin said...

lmao, I'm blushing thinking about my southern drawl, errr, suuuthern drawwwwl that is. I HATE my voice when I hear it recorded, and so I'm really self-conscious about it! and you did not sound like a frog! You sound like you look, perfect! haha yeah, it's no secret I've always thought you were beautiful right? and your inside matches the outside, so it was no surprise that you'd have such a warm sweet voice! And, a freakin GREAT laugh too.

It really was wonderful to talk to you! And you're right, 2 weeks ago, I'd have just cried and blubbered lol.

*smooch* Gotta go to bed... I have to be OUT OF THE HOUSE in 5 hours!

westcoastmama said...

It was so great and we didn't even cry once! lol...hey James. :-P So, when do I get to hear YOUR voice? *hug* Love you guys!

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

That would nice.

westcoastmama said...

:-) yes it would! So.....?

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Damn. I'm getting that nervous feeling in my chest, but it feels good.


westcoastmama said...