Tuesday, March 21, 2006


okay...I've tried to upload two more pieces at least a dozen times and the damn things won't take. I guess that's a pretty big hint that I should try again later OR NOT AT ALL!! *sigh* What's the deal?! Now that I'm thoroughly frustrated, I think I'll go now.


Unknown said...

Yeah. it's the pits, isn't it.

What's the deal, indeed. Frustrating- yeah!

LMAO, as I know how it feels,


Do you have art training? :)

Unknown said...

Your stuff reminds me of folk art in some ways, cariquiture (sp)

Anyway, I like it, the drwaings especially. The paintings are a little too monochromatic.

westcoastmama said...

Hey Ginger. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you like my stuff. I don't have any formal art training, unless you count my art elective in the 7th grade! lol...I just love it all.

The paintings of the sun were done for displays at the craft store I work for, so I had to stick to certain colors. They're bright, so they make me happy. And, when they don't need them anymore, they'll work nicely in my home!

Unknown said...

I took art 101 in my first year of community college, so I have no formal art training either.

I love art also, especially good art, visual 3 dimensional best, like the mobils of Caulder. Ever seen them?

I understand now why you had to use monochromatic colors. I just offered my opinion because you asked for feedback.

Take care hon~

westcoastmama said...

:-) I do appreciate your honesty. I love all art, especially if it makes me think. I suppose that's why I love writing so much too. I'm glad you've decided to venture into my "pink" world. lol I have so much more I'm working on. I'm looking forward to more of your visits!