Sunday, March 05, 2006

Kisses for Breakfast
Kisses for Breakfast
Fall leaves gathered in a crush of color
littering the pavement with splashes of
crimson, auburn and gold

As the wind slowly cooled
I’d awaken to frost on the windowpanes
and fall asleep with the chill in the night air

Autumn so reminds me of you...
I remember the mornings we shared
when you slept restlessly and I’d kiss you awake

I’d softly call out your name
as I’d lay my hand gingerly
on your sleep-warmed face

You’d quirk your brow
and slowly open an eye
as you’d smile in recognition of my voice

“Good morning” and a kiss was customary
as I’d watch you wriggle and stretch
trying to fight away the sleep, but sorely losing

All I wanted to do
was crawl into bed
and dream along with you...

Fall comes again and the wind cools once more
as I relive a history
I shall never forget

Time has passed and those colored leaves are gone
Yet I remember the kisses for breakfast
and how I fell in love with you


Erin said...

This hurts to read. I love you Mary, I am sorry for that which has inspired this.

westcoastmama said...

You know...I was going through some of my old stuff. This was written in 2004 and it has such a different meaning now. The past and present just collided somehow....wish I could erase some of the things that have happened to us. That's how I got my blog name. We'd be so rich if wishes were diamonds....I love you too.