Wednesday, October 25, 2006

proud mama

CHECK OUT MY BOY! This is John, my oldest. He's fulfilling his dream! Wish I could fly like he can....


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

He's fucking awesome!

I've watched it 5, 6 times, and will probably watch it that many more. that's cool shit. he does fly. he flys high. he should be proud, and I'm sure that he is.

damn. this takes me back. although, I was good. I hate to admit, but I was never THAT good.

be proud momma. good. that's good.


westcoastmama said...

hee-hee! you used to break?, I'm even more impressed.

He is good, isn't he? ;-)

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

He is.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Way to Go, John! Awesome!

westcoastmama said...


I have the greatest friends. Thank you