Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I'm restless. My mind is a jumbled mess of I-don't-know's, wish-it-was, and not-even-if-I-tried kind of thinking. So much going on and simply not enough at all. I took something for my allergies and you'd think I'd be sleepy, but even benadryl doesn't do JACK for me anymore. At this this precise moment....I wish I was somewhere warm, (a beach in ANYWHERE sounds nice)my toes digging in the moist, soft sand, a cool breeze gently mussing my hair staring, no, memorizing all the pits and contours of the moon just off in the distance....oh, please....anywhere other than inside my head! I think I could let go there, where no one knows me...just me, the sand, wind, crashing waves, the moonlit sky and my pen and paper. I could write a thousand poems or none at all and, BE and like it! I'd be content just to sit upon the sand, knees to chin, arms wrapped around my legs like a little kid, just listening to the many tiny voices of the night...of the world....of my heart. Tears could mingle with the salt in the sand and it would be alright because I was there in the moonlight, the night sky raining down its shadows upon me and I would be...alright...I would love and feel the infinite that is love. I could let go and "be".

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