Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I've neglected my own blog. I do have things that I need to post, but the lack of motivation at the moment is making it rather difficult. Perhaps, after Easter weekend all will be better. I'll hope for that. Today, however, I am in a more contemplative mood, so I don't think anything will get done today....not in a creative way that I'd like, anyway. I'm gonna eat some breakfast now. I have to go to work, even though all I want to do is paint. Grr....I'll be back later. Besides...too many thoughts of the Le Clair family on my mind. I'd rather think about them anyway than work. Work thoughts and my issues are trivial anyway. Writers block and other frustrations with the world don't count. I shall return on a more positive note!


Erin said...

I love you sweety. I know I already said that, but i reeeeeally do.

westcoastmama said...

heh...I love you more ;P