Sunday, July 15, 2007

a letter to love


I know it's been a short time, but I can't help but feel like I've been forgotten. I know that it isn't so. You reveled so many different things to me, things you'd never said before, and in front of your life long friends-people you trust. Somehow, that night, you wedged yourself further into my heart. If you only knew how much I believe in you and how I'd give you my last living breath if it meant you would survive to remember me. I know I won't be hearing from you for a while. It's the that I've lived with for a while...but I still can't help but think about the word forever.

I'm yours. You know that. You're mine, even if you still can't voice the promise. But, you don't have to. You've proven it so many times. You keep coming back-falling into me for my strength-because you know I've never left. I AM the only one that has ever been there and accepted you for what and who you are. My strength and faith has become your strength and faith, I know this.

Would I let you take care of me? YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES! And, I would take care of you. Let go and let me in. I'll save you like you've saved me over and over again. Each and every breath we shared with each kiss was like being reborn. You said I taught you so much about yourself. I was just being myself with you. You've taught me something as well. You taught me how to believe in myself again. You have no idea how much I love and thank you for that. I will spend the rest of my life telling you, showing you, when it's time. Thank you for letting me be me.

My promise to you has always been true. I'd never leave. To disappear, to never see you again, would be like throwing my heart into a funeral pyre. I can't do it. I am incapable. You asked me for a son...(yes, love, I would give you one). I know you haven't forgotten...I don't think your friends will let you forget either. Hearing husband and wife come from their lips about us was strange yet felt entirely right. Soon...*sigh*...I just wish you weren't so far away. It's not time, I know. I know. Forever is a wonderful word...

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