Tuesday, April 17, 2007

sick as a dog.

Remember when I mentioned change and how it tends to kick my ass? Well, I spent 2 1/2 hours in the emergency room in severe pain and uncontrollable shivers on Sunday. They blew a vein in my arm trying to put the I.V. in, but the spot that was inserted properly on my hand is more bruised than my arm!! They did a renal CT scan on me and did blood work, urine... the works. Anyway, after all that, they administered a really strong antibiotic. It turns out I have, not only a urninary tract infection, but I also have a kidney infection. They cave me ibuprofen 600 for pain and swelling, vicodeine for pain (coz I was IN PAIN!!) and the antibiotic cyprosil. So, needless to say, I didn't go into work yesterday after getting home after 1:00 a.m.! ogm...and it's only the second week of my new job! ugh.

So, one would think that after 24 hours of having an antibiotic in your system, one that was supposedly REALLY strong, and a day of rest, one would begin to feel better, right?? That's if one is normal. Apparently, I'm not. My fever came back, the chills nearly chattered my teeth right out the pain in my hands and knees brought me to tears and VOMITTING came into play! I ended up going to my own doctor again today, coz I new they missed something. Guess what that something was? You will not freaking believe me when I tell you, I guarantee it!!! You ready for it??............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I have freaking STREP THROAT ON TOP OF ALL THIS OTHER SHIT!!!! But at least my doctor got the antibiotic right. I've only taken on dose and I feel a difference already. Oh, yeah, and I failed to mention that the emergency room doctor didn't tell me I have two small kidney stones in my right kidney. wtf....that explains the pain shooting down my leg. Geez....I suppose if you gotta do something, you gotta do it right. DAMN STRAIGHT in my case. *sigh* keep me in your prayers.


Sir James Eric Watkins said...


westcoastmama said...

*hug* thank you