Friday, May 28, 2010

It's been a while since I've been here

So much has happened since my last post November. A lifetime of change has happened in just a few months. God is so generous and loving. He reunited me with a long lost friend who is now my future husband. My world has become a very much brighter place and I couldn't be happier. My children are all growing up so beautifully and I'm starting over with the man of my dreams. I'm writing again and creating jewelry...*sigh*...what more can I ask for? Ah, yes, working on being a new mommy again...after all these years I didn't find love. It found me. I am so blessed. God willing, I'll be able to blog again.


Bel said...

i like your blog's name =)

Mimy Sant'Anna said...

Hello, like your blog, I'm following, visit my blog, and follow if you like.

mary.a.molina said...

Hi everyone! Thanks for coming by to visit. I hope to be blogging again soon!