Thursday, December 14, 2006

holiday strife

I NEED A FREAKIN' VACATION!!!! *sigh* I just thought I'd get that out in the open before I burst! It's been a very trying holiday season. I've been having issues with my car (it's in the shop for the third time in three months), work is too damn busy, and home is very trying. There just isn't enough breathing time as of late. The family has been going to the gym at least three times a week, so that part is good, but we're being faced with a really big change. Juan's facing a layoff at the end of January. He has something that he's been working on within the same company, but we haven't heard anything definite yet. No time is ever a good time for a layoff, but damn, why, of all times, NOW?! I have to look into getting insurance with my job. That's going to totally eat up my paycheck, but at least we'll be covered in case someone gets sick. This bites.

I suppose if I'd already gotten my raise and it was substantial enough, then I wouldn't bother with it so much, but I haven't so, I will. Grr...such is human nature. I just have to remember to slow down a bit and say just a few more prayers. Anybody care to join me? AND, I have writers block AGAIN, DAMNIT!! I do NOT enjoy this mental overload, I must say. It's so unbecoming and I can feel the gray hair sprouting. ugh...let's just add vanity to it all, shall we?! At least the kids are being understanding. They all know how tough it's been lately. We have good kids and I am very much blessed by that. I know that this post was mostly pissy, but I also know that there are others not so fortunate out there. My heart and my love and prayers go out to them. This time in particular is one of the times I wish I had an unlimited amount of income so that I could share it with all those that I love. The cash, I don't have, but the sentiment I do. To my readers, all 4 of them, (lol) thank you for your friendship, may you have a holiday filled with blessings and love. And, THAT is how I'm going to end this post!


Anonymous said...

Mary, you're in my thoughts, you're a blessing to the human race you are! stay on track and keep warm. We've had six inches of snow in the last six hours and it's still going strong. Should be lovely in the morning!

westcoastmama said...

Aww, Dave. You make my heart warm. Thank you so much for that. =) You are such a dear.

I can't wait to see the pictures of your winter wonderland!


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

I'll pray with you my dear.

What shall we pray about?

I'm finally finished with load of work I had to do for this semester. I thought I was done last Thursday. But I am now for sure.

"Someday child things are goin get easier...someday when the world is much brighter....

Someday...we'll walk in the rays of the beautiful sun...someday...when the world is much brighter...."

You mean so much to me. I wish I could show you how much.

~ James

Anonymous said...

seriously... you have some talent... much comes from it... looking at it... i got a long ways to catch up with anyone...
- Paul "peanutbutter"